
Laying empty conduits in Kiel harbor

From April to June 2024 Gerd Knoll was used in Kiel harbour. The vessel was chartered by Christoffers Onshore and Subsea GmbH in order to lay empty conducts. To carry out the work, the pipe drum and anchor were positioned and the 50 ton excavator was used on board.


Ammunition recovery off the island of Rügen

The Gerd Knoll sen. was chartered for ammunition recovery work off the island of Rügen.

The project included the following individual measures:

  • Positioning using GPS devices
  • Deployment of diving teams
  • Recovery of salvage goods using a crane


Measurements off the island of Rügen

The Gerd Knoll sen. was chartered in the course of geotechnical measurements for a cable route off Norderney.

Individual measures as the following were executed for the customer

  • Surveying work using GPS devices
  • Moving measuring equipment by crane
  • Work in shallow waters
  • Work in tidal areas


Cable repair off the Dutch islands

The Gerd Knoll sen. was commissioned as a flat-bottomed and dry-docked workboat to provide support for cable repair work.

From june 2023 to july 2023 the follwoing measures were realised: 

  • Surveying work using GPS devices
  • Support station with dredging equipment
  • Work in shallow waters
  • Work in tidal areas
  • Anchor positioning (anchor handling)
